Knockout City - Content design exercice
1 week challenge
Production date: 11/07/2021
Game infos:
Sport game
1 week
1 person
Tech Designer
- Content design
- Programmation
- FX
This goal of this project is to design and prototype content for Knockout City, a multiplayer sport game where you have to hit your opponent with a ball.
Before starting new balls, we need to understand the design rules of the existing balls.
There are 7 balls, that can be classified into a table to reveal some mechanic we can use to design new balls.

New balls
Now we can fill our table with new content... design new balls.

Character controller
For the movement, I made a blend tree with idle, run and strafe animations

For the throw animation, I cut it in 3 parts, in, loop and out, and made a state machine out of it. Those animations only play on the upper body

To charge the ball, it is a variable that is incremented every frame if the button is pressed

The path of the ball is a lerp between its start position and its target

This is the result

New balls ingame
Here is the "American Fist" ball:

The "Balloon":

The "Golden Snitch" ball:

And the "Armadillo" ball: